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Label Text a haunting piece, where the character and state of mind of the subject is explored in powerful, expressionistic manner. LaChaise spoke about this work as being "the face of a man who had suffered, sacrificed and triumphed without vanity." There are 12 casts of this portrait and 11 of these are in American museums.

Source: DM Register, March 30, 1975, pg. 3B, ART/MUSIC

Exhibition History"'76 - A Birthday for a Nation and for a Museum," Charles H. MacNider Museum, Mason City, Jan. 10 - Feb. 15, 1976

"Gaston Lachaise Sculpture and Drawings," Herbert F. Johnson Msueum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., Nov. 6 - Dec. 20, 1974: Frederick S. Wight Art Galleries, University of California, Los Angeles, Jan. 12 - Feb. 23, 1975; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Mar. 8 - Apr. 20, 1975; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, June 7 - July 20, 1975

"The Kirsch Years 1936-1958," a testimonial exhibition assembled from the collections of the DMAC and the University of Nebraska Art Galleries, Lincoln; Des Moines Art Center, Jan. 7 - Feb. 10, 1974; University of Nebraska Art Galleries, Lincoln, Feb. 25 - Mar. 31, 1974

"The Way You Look," Charles H. MacNider Museum, Mason City, Jan. 15 - Feb. 18, 1970
Published ReferencesDES MOINES SUNDAY REGISTER, Mar. 30, 1975

Gerald Nordland, "Gaston Lachaise Portrait Sculpture," AMERICAN ART REVIEW, Mar. - Apr. 1975, color ill. p. no.3, p.111

Gerald Nordland, GASTON LACHAISE THE MAN AND HIS WORK, George Braziller, N.Y., 1974, ill. fig. no.32, p.93 (produced in conjunction with exhibition "Gaston Lachaise Sculpture and Drawings."

DES MOINES ART CENTER: SELECTED PAINTINGS, SCULPTURES AND WORKS ON PAPER, Des Moines Art Center, 1985, ref. p.137, b/w ill. pl.76, p.136

"The Kirsch Years 1936-1958," Des Moines Art Center and the University of Nebraska Art Galleries, Lincoln, 1974, exh. cat. no. 36
DimensionsOverall: 12 1/2 × 10 × 9 3/4 in. (31.8 × 25.4 × 24.8 cm)
Accession Number 1951.15
SignedG. Lachaise c 1928 (on upper back area of neck);
InscriptionsRoman Bronze Works, N.Y. (lower anat. right edge of neck)
EditionOne of an edition of 10
Provenance(E. Weyhe Gallery, New York); Des Moines Art Center [purchased from the previous, 1951]